Seasonal Influenza - Pipeline Review, H2 2015 Nov 5th, 2015   [viewed 9 times] has announced the addition of “Seasonal Influenza - Pipeline Review, H2 2015 “Market Research Report to their Database.


This report provides comprehensive information on the therapeutic development for Seasonal Influenza, complete with comparative analysis at various stages, therapeutics assessment by drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type, along with latest updates, and featured news and press releases. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Seasonal Influenza and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects.


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The report features investigational drugs from across globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications. The report is built using data and information sourced from our proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources, put together by team.


Drug profiles/records featured in the report undergoes periodic updation following a stringent set of processes that ensures that all the profiles are updated with the latest set of information. Additionally, processes including live news & deals tracking, browser based alert-box and clinical trials registries tracking ensure that the most recent developments are captured on a real time basis.


The report enhances decision making capabilities and help to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. It strengthens R&D pipelines by identifying new targets and MOAs to produce first-in-class and best-in-class products.




The report provides a snapshot of the global therapeutic landscape of Seasonal Influenza

The report reviews key pipeline products under drug profile section which includes, product description, MoA and R&D brief, licensing and collaboration details & other developmental activities

The report reviews key players involved in the therapeutics development for Seasonal Influenza and enlists all their major and minor projects

The report summarizes all the dormant and discontinued pipeline projects


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A review of the Seasonal Influenza products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources


Reasons to buy


Provides strategically significant competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D development strategies

Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage

Develop strategic initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies

Identify and understand important and diverse types of therapeutics under development for Seasonal Influenza

Plan mergers and acquisitions effectively by identifying key players of the most promising pipeline


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Devise corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Seasonal Influenza pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics


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Acute Market Reports is the most sufficient collection of market intelligence services online. It is your only source that can fulfill all your market research requirements. We provide online reports from over 100 best publishers and upgrade our collection regularly to offer you direct online access to the world’s most comprehensive and recent database with expert perceptions on worldwide industries, products, establishments and trends. Our database consists of 200,000+ market research reports with detailed & minute market research.


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